New Skill Sets For The Future

According to an EU survey jobs for highly skilled workers are estimated to increase by 7 % around 2035. The employment of engineers and researchers is anticipated to increase by 23%. Also, assemblers’ jobs are to increase by 17% along with the new skills needed for using digital tools for assembling.

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New Skill Sets For The Future
"I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior – for Doors –" Emily Dickinson, I dwell in Possibility – (466)

Learning Through Play, A Positive And Engaging Skill Development Strategy

Neuroscience research underlines the complexity of neurobiological processes and social interactions involved in learning through play. Most of all it offers meaningful learning experiences for children. They can easily engage in playing games exploring their creativity, imagination and social-emotional skills. While playing children understand, remember and apply the rules, and interact with other children.

Learning Through Play, A Positive And Engaging Skill Development Strategy
Learning Through-Play

Learning New Things, A Mindset For Personal Growth

What happens in the brain when we learn new things Neurosciences demonstrated that learning new things generates “neuroplasticity”. Learning something new creates different neuron connections and pathways in the brain. Also, in time it determines their physical structure and connections to change. Reading a new book, performing new tasks, or playing new music enhances brain connectivity between brain regions.

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Learning New Things, A Mindset For Personal Growth
Brain learning path connections